Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Sheri's Wednesday 8/19 Journal

Linear Journal 1 ,2 ,3
1. Describe something you learned
I relearned point slope. I could solve the problem -so YEAH.
I enjoyed learning through Fathom -- highlighting the points and seeing the interactive comparison among the graphs and to the data table. I could hear people choosing their cars based on the data by comparing the visual representations presented by the graphs.
2. What do you still have questions about or would still like to learn?
I'm still learning about box plots. I'm thinking I could use simple graphs and charts of interest to the kids lives for kids to interpret visually and use their vocabulary to explain.
3. What applications are there to classroom practice?
Jama (Science) and I use the Marzano vocabulary strategy in our classrooms. Tracie and I discussed that her seventh grade students could blog for math as an entry task in my classroom since they come to writing right after math.
Again, students can discuss the logic of the "story" in the data of online stories/graphs/ etc.

Some Tech Info:

Online screencast: "records your screen activity with your voice so you can spread it via Twitter or email"

VoiceThread News:
"over 700,000 historical images from The New York Public Library's Digital Gallery are now freely and instantly available whenever you're creating a VoiceThread"

Two of my class voicethreads:
To Obama (collaborative cross country):

Image Source:
noncommercial use granted


  1. What a great collaborative learning idea to share the blogs across classes.

  2. I love your blog. It really shows how much you can do with it. And THANK YOU for the screen jelly link. I'll make some videos once I get back to Wenatchee.


  3. Sheri your journal is very fun to read and you are doing such a good job with the math software. It is a please to work with you.


Please comment on our progress. Remember that students may be viewing this blog; please model your best etiquette. Thank you.